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DeToX anti_chit by(DRiVe-RM)
[ Скачать с сервера (240.7 Kb) ] 05.09.2010, 11:05

This tool adds more security against cheaters on your server. It not only checks for cvar exploits but does other security checks such as:
Anti-wallhack. This is a preventative measure, meaning it prevents wallhacks rather than detect or disable them. One of the biggest misconceptions has always been that it should disable or detect wallhacks, but this is not true...it 'prevents' wallhacks by preventing all 'alive' players that are on opposing teams from seeing eachother through walls by not sending the player's position if something blocks their view. This is in no way the perfect solution to eliminating the use of wallhacks, but it is the best way to render them ineffective from the server.
Anti-speedhack. This works by reducing the player's speed based on the number of packets received from the player. If an extreme number of packets are recognized, the player will also be banned. Speed hacks work by sending more cmd packets than normal, resulting in more movement commands processed by the server than the other players--this eliminates that effect.
Auto updater. One of the very first plugins that is able to automatically update itself to add new features, fix bugs, and be up to date with the latest exploitable CVARs.
Multi-lingual. All player interaction from the server uses the language setup in the player's Steam settings. This allows player-specific language settings so that everyone receives messages from Detox in their native language. The only limitation is that we can only support the same languages that Steam
supports (which is quite a few). Here are the current languages we support: Spanish, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese. 
Coming soon.(according to site) Profile system, ready-up system, anti-aimbot, anti-norecoil, etc. 

Installation Instructions

Step 1. Make sure you are running the latest version of Metamod:Source. If you do not have Metamod:Source installed you can get it from http://www.sourcemm.net/

Step 2. Copy the addons folder from the zip file to the mod directory (ie. cstrike) on your server.

Step 3. Add "addons/detox/bin/detox_mm" to your addons/metamod/metaplugins.ini file.

Step 4. Start your server and type "detox_version" in the server console. You should see the following:

"detox_version" = "1.1"
notify singleplayer replicated
- SteamBans Detox version
Категория: Мои файлы | Добавил: DRiVe | Теги: :)
Просмотров: 420 | Загрузок: 28 | Комментарии: 4 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 4
4 DRiVe   (05.09.2010 11:41) [Материал]
serios???..da eu am vazyt ca cel mai mult a fost downloadat aista

3 ))SoLo((   (05.09.2010 11:14) [Материал]

2 ))SoLo((   (05.09.2010 11:11) [Материал]
aista ii cel mai levii anti cit !!!

1 DRiVe   (05.09.2010 11:06) [Материал]
SoLo instaleaza anti chity ista la tine pe server!!! cool cool cool cool

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